RAMSHIELD® Edge is an engineered solution, designed for attachment to RAMSHIELD® High Containment for installations on the hinge point of weak batters. RAMSHIELD® Edge uses an innovative below-ground pin to restrain lateral movement of the guardrail post, allowing the post to yield by bending proximate to ground level, replicating post performance in flat, well-compacted terrain.

The RAMSHIELD® Edge pin is anchored in front of the barrier system therefore not relying upon lateral support behind the post. This restraint mechanism is independent of soil type, compaction level or batter geometry behind the post. The capacity of the restraining pin can be validated by performing onsite dynamic load impacts using Safe Direction’s THOR machine.

RMASHIELD High Containment Logo
MASH TL3 Compliant Logo
MASH TL4 Compliant Logo


Crash test evaluation:

  • Crash tests performed on the hinge point of a 1:1 weak soil embankment
  • 2270kg Pick-up Truck travelling at 100km/h & 25 degrees (MASH 4-11)
  • 10,000kg Rigid Truck travelling at 90km/h & 15 degrees (MASH 4-12)

Austroads acceptance:

Approved connections:


RAMSHIELD® High Containment FAQs

What crash test impacts have been performed with RAMSHIELD® HC?

RAMSHIELD® High Containment achieves controlled redirection of errant vehicles by releasing the thrie-beam guardrail from the post at an optimal load to retain rail height, limit dynamic deflection and to allow the post to collapse without tripping the vehicle.

The separation of the thrie-beam guardrail from the post is achieved by a release tab incorporated into the post. The tab is designed to pull forward and tear from the post and remains connected to the thrie-beam rail to ensure there is no debris from the system that may otherwise present as a danger to other motorists.

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