RAMSHIELD® Low Deflection
Latest innovation in guardrail crash barrier designs, complies with MASH Test Level 3.
Latest innovation in guardrail crash barrier designs, complies with MASH Test Level 3.
Featuring a lightweight aluminium construction and architectural excellence. This modular bridge safety barrier system has been full-scale crash tested to comply with MASH TL4.
Combining the strength of thrie-beam guardrail with the yielding behaviour of the RamShield® w-beam post to reduce impact loads transferred to the bridge or culvert structure.
Sentry Thrie-Beam Guardrail has advanced the containment level of public domain thrie-beam guardrail by introducing innovative technology into the thrie-beam guardrail release mechanism.
Sentry Median W-Beam Guardrail features back-to-back w-beam, providing safe vehicle containment and redirection when impacted from either side of the system.
RiderPro® Motorcycle Protection Barrier provides safe rider containment and redirection through the combination of spring mounting brackets and lightweight, corrugated panels.
Sentryline-M wire rope safety barrier provides safe vehicle containment and redirection, utilising the tensile strength of tensioned wire rope supported by steel posts.
The MAX-Tension® Guardrail End Terminal is an energy-absorbing, tangential end terminal, designed to minimise the severity of impacts occurring at the end of the safety barrier system.
The Universal TAU-M is a MASH TL3 compliant crash cushion designed to shield the blunt ends of concrete barriers and other hazards.
The ABSORB-M is a non-redirective, gating, freestanding crash cushion designed to shield the blunt end of concrete barriers.