Located at Tooronga, Victoria, the Coles multi-deck car park provides 7 levels of parking for 900 vehicles. Constructed by ICON Construction Australia, approximately 1800m of RHINO-STOP® Type 4 carpark barrier was installed providing perimeter edge and split level protection.
Originally specifying spring steel buffer, the design was changed to the RHINO-STOP® carpark barrier system due to concern about the wobbly nature and associated perceived insecurity of spring steel buffers when installed with a balustrade.
Developed in response to demand from Australian designers and certifiers, the RHINO-STOP® carpark barrier is an energy-absorbing, semi-rigid barrier providing reduced dynamic deflection. The energy absorbing feature reduces damage to the impacting vehicle and the barrier system. The semi-rigid feature of RHINO-STOP® reduces the space requirement between fixed object hazards and the barrier, conserving valuable floor space.
RHINO-STOP® has been crash tested in accordance with the loading requirements described in AS/NZS 1170.1 (Type F loading).
RHINO-STOP® is a modular carpark barrier system that may be installed as a stand-alone barrier for car park and warehouse applications or be installed with accessories to add a handrail or anti-climb mesh infill panels for perimeter fall protection.
Important for elevated deck applications, RHINO-STOP® is anchored with a single M20 fixture with the option of using a mechanical through/expansion bolt or a chemical anchor.
For more information on the RHINO-STOP® car park safety barrier call Safe Direction on 1300 063 220.